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Sunday, July 6, 2014

Looking Past Mistakes

A couple days ago, my friends convinced me to go see the new Transformers movie, Transformers: Age of Extinction.  To sum up this movie; cars turn into robots, robots turn into cars, humans build robots, robots fight, DINOSAUR ROBOTS!, and there's going to be another squeal.

Directed by Michael Bay.

However, in between the robot fights and blatantly obvious product placements, this film tries to include something that I've never seen in a Transformers movie; a lesson.  Honestly, I don't know why they would bother, since people only really go to see Transformers for explosions and fighting robots, but kudos for trying.

This lesson makes its presence known during a scene with Optimus Prime and the character played by Mark Wahlberg, Yeager somethingorother (which just made me think of Attack on Titan the entire movie).  Optimus is tired of humans always messing things up and then creating more mistakes, which is reasonable, since the humans in this film began hunting Autobots and Decepticons and either killing them or using their bodies to make an army of soon-to-be Decepticons.  Yeager doesn't deny that humans make mistakes, but also says that he need to look past our mistakes and see the good in humanity.  This wise saying is a throwback to a conversation he had with his daughter, who was born while her parents were still in high school.  I'm probably going waaaaayyyyyyyy too deep into this multi-million explosionfest, but I think Marky Mark has a good point.  As humans, we screw up a lot (some more than others, me for example).  It's in our nature.  It isn't like we always try to do the wrong thing; sometimes we are lead down the wrong path and don't realize it until too late.

But as my pastor talked about in his homily last Sunday, and one of the main villains in the Transformers movie realized towards the end, there is always good in people, no matter how lost or disillusioned they may seen.  It's important to always see the light and goodness inside ourselves and inside of each other, no matter how dark or evil someone may seem, because that is what God does for us.

God has this great ability where He can look past all our mistakes and all of our wrongdoings and see the beauty inside of us.

Well, there was that one time that humans were so evil that God wiped mostly everyone out with a flood.............

BUT! He promised that He would never do that again, and to prove His point, He sent His only son Jesus to us as a sign of His undying love for humanity.  If you remember the people that Jesus called His friends, they weren't the holiest people in the land, but Jesus didn't care.  He looked past the mistakes and wrongdoings that his people did, and chose to love them and bring them closer to God.  A good example is when Jesus called Zaccheaus down from a tree and had dinner with this guy who had screwed over his own people.  That's because Jesus saw past the bad things that Zaccheaus had done, and focused on the good that He knew was in him.  It ended up making a huge difference in Zaccheaus' life, and to the people he had wronged.  I don't know what happened to Zaccheaus after that, but I'd like to think that he continued to follow Jesus and live a good life.

The point is that we should strive to be more like Jesus and less like the Jewish leaders.  Remember those guys?  Every time that Jesus did something, they would always be there to scoff at Him and question His decisions to hang out with "sinners."  We don't want to be like those people, or like a disillusioned Optimus Prime.  We should be looking for the goodness in people, and not focus on the mistakes they've made.

I'm not saying that we should forget everyone's mistakes, because without recognizing our mistakes, we can't grow and work towards Badassness.  The important thing is to recognize that everyone is flawed, but know no matter how many mistakes someone has made, they are loved by God and has His light inside of them.  That is the best reason to love someone.

As Miley Cyrus once said, "Everyone makes mistakes.  Everyone has those days".   This is completely true, except for one divine being; God.  That is because every time we mess up, we can take our mistakes to Him and He will forgive us. Remember, God always sees the good in us, even when we cannot see it in ourselves.

So, just as MW was able to convince OP to fight for humanity, we need to remind each other to constantly love one another and see the good in each other.  Also, we need to remember that God always sees the good in us, and no matter how many mistakes we may make, He will always be there for us, because He loves us eternally.  And to lovingly rewrite a line from the end of the 1st Transformer's movie; "God is here, and He is waiting."

Peace and Love

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